Monthly Archives: May 2019
B2B vs. B2C IPOs

Written on May 29, 2019 at 9:43 am, by Amanda Maestri
For the past dozen years, Top Tier Capital Partners has believed that using data wisely can potentially help us to “see around corners”. Venture capital is an industry enshrouded in secrecy, making it difficult to determine what is happening in the world of private companies. The intersection between this part of the market and the Continue Reading »
Venture Capital Redefined with Bruce Cleveland

Written on May 23, 2019 at 10:25 am, by Amanda Maestri
Product ideation can be the most exciting stage in your starting a company. And once you are able to establish your MVP or most viable product, you might think that Venture Capital or VC firms will now be interested in investing in your company so that you can have your capital start up. However, if Continue Reading »
Bruce Cleveland at the Lean Culture Meetup

Written on May 23, 2019 at 7:36 am, by Amanda Maestri
Bruce Cleveland of Wildcat Ventures ( speaking at Lean Cutlure Meetup on Tue-Apr-23-2019. His talk was based on his new book “Traversing the Traction Gap” see
Bizo’s Journey to Minimum Viable Traction (MVT)

Written on May 22, 2019 at 7:22 am, by Amanda Maestri
Wildcat’s CEO Interview Blog Series features in-depth interviews with CEOs who have successfully traversed The Traction Gap®. In each blog, we focus on the CEOs’ experience during one phase of the Traction Gap journey. We sat down with Russell Glass, founder and former CEO of Bizo, and now CEO of Ginger, an on demand behavioral Continue Reading »
Building Better: Wildcat Venture Partners & Obo

Written on May 13, 2019 at 11:58 am, by Amanda Maestri
Welcome to the NVCA Blog series, Building Better, where we celebrate the dynamic relationship between our VC members and their innovative portfolio companies around the nation. For today’s Building Better, we spoke with Bruce Cleveland, Founding Partner at Wildcat Venture Partners, and with Pete Sinclair, CEO of Obo, a Wildcat portfolio company. Learn about their Continue Reading »
Bruce Cleveland Guest Appearance on Service Academy Podcast

Written on May 10, 2019 at 11:24 am, by Amanda Maestri
Bruce Cleveland attended the United States Military Academy and is a Founding Partner at Wildcat Venture Partners, a venture firm that invests in market disruptors and category leaders. Their differentiation as an early stage B2B and B2B2C venture firm is based upon the fact that each Wildcat general partner has been an entrepreneur, a member of Continue Reading »
How To Build a Startup That Doesn’t Flop

Written on May 8, 2019 at 11:22 am, by Amanda Maestri
This is the first in a three-installment series that is designed to help you understand the Traction Gap Framework® – a step-by-step survival guide for startups – developed by myself and my partners at Wildcat Venture Partners, an early stage venture capital firm we founded in 2015. If followed, we believe it can help startup Continue Reading »
Digital Transformation

Written on May 6, 2019 at 9:50 am, by Amanda Maestri
Finding Your Path “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” It’s a family expression that I used to love until I actually thought about what the words meant. But the point still holds, and it applies particularly well to executive teams who have embraced the need to digitally transform but are still struggling to Continue Reading »
Bruce Cleveland Guest Appearance on Products that Count Podcast

Written on May 3, 2019 at 11:10 am, by Amanda Maestri
Every entrepreneur dreams of turning their big idea into a real business. That said, 85 percent of startups end up failing to get off the ground. What should future leaders of “the next big thing” focus on to build success? Product Guru Bruce Cleveland talks about bridging the “Traction Gap” – providing a prescriptive how-to guide Continue Reading »
So, You Want to Build a Category…

Written on May 2, 2019 at 8:29 am, by Amanda Maestri
The book Traversing the Traction Gap explains how you can take an idea and turn it into a $B+ outcome using the Traction Gap Framework®. In it, you will learn that all early stage startups must become great at “market engineering”, and, a key component of market engineering is “category creation”. Make no mistake, though, Continue Reading »