About: Amanda Maestri
Recent Posts by Amanda Maestri
VIDEO: How Does the Traction Gap support Crossing the Chasm?

Wildcat Venture Partner, Geoff Moore, shares how the Traction Gap Framework supports the Chasm Framework and how a startup needs to utilize both in order to scale successfully. Get more information on all things Traction Gap here. Check out other videos in this series here.
Written on December 15, 2020 at 7:58 am
Categories: Traction Gap
Tags: Geoffrey Moore, Traction Gap, Video, Geoff Moore, Chasm, Crossing the Chasm, Traversing the Traction Gap
VIDEO: How impactful are “Crossing the Chasm” and “Traversing the Traction Gap” frameworks?

Wildcat Venture Partner, Geoff Moore, shares the impact of the Crossing the Chasm and Traction Gap Frameworks. Get more information on all things Traction Gap here. Check out other videos in this series here.
Written on December 13, 2020 at 7:10 am
Categories: Traction Gap
Tags: startup, Geoffrey Moore, Traction Gap, Video, Geoff Moore, Crossing the Chasm, Traversing the Traction Gap, Framework
VIDEO: Traversing the Traction Gap Book Key Takeaway…

Wildcat Founding Partner, Bruce Cleveland, discusses the key takeaway from the book “Traversing the Traction Gap”. Get more information on all things Traction Gap here. Check out other videos in this series here.
Written on December 11, 2020 at 7:46 am
Categories: Traction Gap
Tags: startup, Traction Gap, Bruce Cleveland, Video, Market Engineering, Traversing the Traction Gap, Investing
VIDEO: What have you learned as an investor using the Traction Gap Framework?

Wildcat Venture Partner, Geoff Moore, discusses what he has learned using both the Traction Gap and the Chasm Frameworks as an investor at Wildcat. Get more information on all things Traction Gap here. Check out other videos in this series here.
Written on December 11, 2020 at 7:15 am
Categories: Traction Gap
Tags: startup, Geoffrey Moore, Traction Gap, Video, Geoff Moore, Traversing the Traction Gap, Investing
VIDEO: Why did you write “Traversing the Traction Gap”

Wildcat Founding Partner, Bruce Cleveland, shares why he wrote the book “Traversing the Traction Gap”. Get more information on all things Traction Gap here. Check out other videos in this series here.
Written on December 11, 2020 at 7:12 am
Categories: Traction Gap
Tags: Book, Traversing the Traction Gap, Video, Bruce Cleveland, Traction Gap, startup
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