Monthly Archives: September 2017
Why We Invested in KEY

Written on September 28, 2017 at 4:08 pm, by Amanda Maestri
When a group of guys got together to send their buddy off into the land of marriage, they needed a few beers. Specifically, they needed 840 cans… of Bud Light. They wanted it stocked in the hotel refrigerator. Not 839 and not 841. It was some kind of inside joke. But the reason didn’t matter. Continue Reading »
Student loan repayment as a perk? just scored $7M to make it happen

Written on September 21, 2017 at 12:14 pm, by Amanda Maestri
A painful reality facing many young Americans is the massive amounts they owe in student loans. Saddled with thousands of dollars to pay, millennials are putting off major life events and purchases that have typically followed a few years after college graduation. would like to help with that. The company, which today announced the close Continue Reading »
How Legends Design & Dominate Categories

Written on September 6, 2017 at 2:51 pm, by Amanda Maestri
Did you miss it? Wildcat co-hosted How Legends Design & Dominate Categories On September 6, Traction Gap Institute (TGI) joined Wildcat Venture Partners to host How Legends Design & Dominate Categories. The event featured a talk by Chris Lochhead, co-author of Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets and co-host of the podcast Legends and Continue Reading »