Monthly Archives: August 2015
TO THE BATCAVES | VP of Product Meetup

Written on August 31, 2015 at 1:09 pm, by Amanda Maestri
The rumors are real. Word on the street is that a certain Fortune 40 company has been preparing for a first-of-its-kind experimental retail space – their own Bat Cave – and instead of Gotham, this one’s in SoMA. The space is dedicated to exploring a new sector of the economy that is forecast to contribute $1.7 trillion to the global economy with Continue Reading »
Return on Innovation: Are You Playing Offense or Defense?

Written on August 21, 2015 at 12:23 am, by Amanda Maestri
One of the key lessons I learned from posting on LinkedIn an early draft of my next book (Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption) is that disruptive innovations can be occasions both for playing offense and defense. Indeed the two case studies in the book—Salesforce and Microsoft—ended up representing a Continue Reading »